What sort of Creatures where they?
Orthoceras, also known as Orthoceratites, is a genus of extinct nautiloid cephalopod.
They lived and thrived over 400 million years ago. They where the anicent anscestors of our current Squids and could groww as large as 14 foot long. Today, they are found in limestone digs in Morroca, Scandanvia, Swedon and the Baltic States.
What are their Metaphysical qualities?
As Saturn travel through Pisces, many of us will be called to face the consequences of our actions - this will be playout across our feeling bodies. Inevitably, we will encounter the ghost of some of our less then finer moments - depending on how we can sit with this discomfort and feelings of regret will lead us forwards to self determination and learning, or it could lead us to recrimination and a yearning for revenge.
Orthoceras will help ground us and accept the responsibility that Saturn in Pisces is teaching us.
They carry the energy of their of water beings petrified into stone. They swam through the ancient oceans at a time wehn the Earth was young. What dreaming will they awaken in you? What area of your life are you need the courage face?
Orthoceras invites us to know ourselves. To be able to accept the lessons that our shadow self has to offer - and a caution; all that flows will evaporate or solidify. Your choices are consequential. You have the power to shape your destiny.
What imprint do you want to leave behind?
Orthoceras - An Ancient Fossil
Length - 19 cm
Width - 18 cm
Depth - 4 cm